As a collection agency Edmonton, collection agency Calgary and collection agency GTA we recognize that the vast majority of consumers we inevitably end up dealing with are good people, with good intentions that have now simply arrived at the tipping point of having to either try to continue to rob Peter to pay Paul or, in the alternative, to make some hard choices in monthly budgeting in order to honour their outstanding financial obligations.
When you owe money, no matter how much, to any creditor, one of the most problematic forms of collection action you face is a wage garnishment. When the debt is to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), things become even more problematic. If you’re concerned that a CRA garnishment may be headed your way due to unpaid taxes, you may be curious about the process or wondering how much can CRA garnish.
Firstly, the process by which CRA garnishes wages is different from the process followed by other creditors. Other creditors must first obtain a judgement against you in court, thereby making you aware of the garnishment. They will also formally notify you of a garnishment. Once this has been done, your employer is made aware of the garnishment and must then forward a portion of your wages to the creditor to pay off the debt.
With CRA garnishments, no court order is required. Instead, a notice is sent directly to your employer notifying them of the garnishment. They are required, by law, to comply. If they do not, they could face legal action. Thus, many are not even aware that CRA has implemented a garnishment until receiving a paycheque that is far smaller than expected.
How much can CRA garnish? This is another important consideration when you’re dealing with CRA debt.
If you are an employee on payroll with taxes deducted at the source, CRA can garnish up to 50% of your wages. If you are a sub-contractor, or receive a different form of income, such as a pension, CRA can garnish up to 100%.
As you can see, CRA wage garnishments are serious business, and can wreak havoc on your finances in a short period of time.
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Spergel is a Licensed Insolvency Trustee in North York, ON. Call 416-310-4321 for more information on how they may be of help if you’re having issues with CRA. At Spergel, they have over 25 years of experience dealing with CRA debts.